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deedee 10-31-2004 11:07 AM

Originally posted by Sigh -

"Addiction often strikes in the teen years and slides fast forward and past the time the addicts should mature into adults. Addiction often stalls this emotional growth and as parents we end up with adult/children. I think this continues, extends our protective cycle past the normal point it should have shifted into our understanding that as adults they are quite capable to care for themselves."
As Sigh so eloquently put it, I have come to this same realization myself recently. Yes, my sons are stunted emotionally, but now I see my part in keeping them there. I tend to treat them as teenagers even though they are 25 and 27. I know this is because of their past choices and my lack of confidence in them making good choices. Our relationship has never grown to the adult stage. So recognizing the problem is a start ... breaking the cycle is much harder.



utopia 11-01-2004 04:40 PM

well as a son of a dysfunctional mother, i saw how much she suffered at the hands of my alco father but it was just history repating as my mums father was abusive to her too. and i have nearly done the same thing being attracted to alcoholics myself!!

she was with him for 20 years and i admired the strength and saw her as a saint and focused on making sure she was happy but i forgot myself there. i only realised in recovery that she was HUMAN and then i loved her more because i saw her humanity and imperfections (god forbid) and lloved her because she tried her best to do what she could for us even at the price of her own happiness. Yes it did teach me to sacrifice my own happiness for others but thats changing slowly and ive learnt to respect myself and just not put up with some ****
i sometimes wonder if she feels guilty but its not my cross to bear, just have to visualise it as healed release it to god and have faith that my Higher power will pull me through. im letting go now even though i think she let go of my dad a long time ago

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