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Old 07-12-2006, 11:15 AM
  # 5 (permalink)  
My Boss is a Jewish Carpenter
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Join Date: Aug 2004
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Posts: 338
[nice2nou]. Great big hug.

You're not crazy. From what you've shared, your actions in moving out with your daughter are self-defence. Go. Now.

You are cruel. Once you've moved out and obtained the appropriate restraining order and he gets it through his thick head that you're not coming back, your action will fit the dictionary definition of "cruel". I looked it up at I still very much approve of your action. Do it now. How cruel is he to you? What are you supposed to do, wait til he puts you in hospital with no ear and a raped daughter? Do it now. Perhaps a better word is drastic. I'm not going to look up that word, but it is a drastic, life-changing act. Doesn't your life need changing? Of course, I suggest you quit drinking, and get the help of AA and Al-Anon. Make Alateen or Alatot available to your daughter. Professional counselling for both of you may also be a good idea.

Your first priority, I think, should be safety for yourself and your daughter. Now, sweetheart. If nothing changes, nothing changes.

I've been sober over 17 1/2 years. Remember, I'm pulling for you. We're all in this together.
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