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Old 07-04-2006, 12:14 PM
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Illegitimi Non Carborundum
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Join Date: Jun 2006
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After I posted here this morning I went back to bed. I had another nightmare. This one wasn't a "reality" nightmare, it was more of a full length feature film that I was participating in.

I'm not going to get into a whole lot of detail, but there was definitely a component of evilness to it. The whole thing was like something straight out of Heavy Metal.

I remember... well, for want of a better phrase... the Ancient Space Monks, each of them thousands of years old. I remember one in particular, his dark robe, his face, the markings on his face, the feel of his presence, the veiled power, and his eyes... Especially his eyes... Ancient, tortured, accepting of his place, saddened at seeing the same patterns repeat themselves in the world, eager for time to move on, very much in the present but very much in the past. Tortured.

Its not so much that they are on our side as it is that they're required to allow us to be on a part of their side. Don't stumble across one of their homeworlds though, because then they'll use you as a food source.

In one part I was standing almost knee deep in a muddy kind of liquid muck, using a shovel to scrape and dig up another layer from the bottom. There were thousands of people there and many Monks (which was considered unusual) all working at the same task. Something was going on. Aside from the task of clearing the bottom, there was something else we were all looking for. Something bad and all but forgotten that was buried long ago and we needed to find it before the enemy did.

I asked and the Monk told me to look down. I saw bones in the muck. He told me that all this land was once a burial ground for humans. I felt the bones and shards under my feet under the muck and started feeling sick. I moved away to a dry patch of ground, looking for a clear place without bones in the dirt.

That was part of it. Another part, most of it, took place in a "Little House On The Prairie" kind of small town. By that time I knew what we had been looking for. Someone had inadvertently dug it up and something evil was trying to get out. We were all working to put it back, and to bury it again and to keep it sealed.

Again, for want of a better phrase, call it the Crucifiction Machine. I can practically draw it for you. The entity lays face down and is pressed between two hydraulic plates as multiple spikes tear through each wrist. I can see the blood pouring down. It keeps you alive enough to continually endure the pain and the whole thing is sealed into a self-contained chamber that is silent so that no one can hear the screams.

Someone had dug it up. The entity inside was pure evil and someone was trying to let it out on the world. We got it back inside. One of the Monks jumped in just as the outer seals were being closed and the whole thing was being buried knowing full well that he'd get caught up in the mechanicals and be sealed inside the middle chamber forever. He said he was going to make sure the entity didn't get out again even if someone else dug it up once more.

I'm sorry if I'm being too graphic here -- I went into more detail than I intended. Imagine how it felt dreaming it.

. . .

What do I take from this? ... Consider the symbols.

The evil entity might be my addiction, or the results / effects / consequences of my addition, or the self-willed nature that has to be chained in order to submit to God's plan for you.

The "Little House On The Prairie" town might be the goodness in the world, or the things we can achieve together if we do it God's way instead of always fooling ourselves and trying to do it our way.

The Monks... Well, I think all I can say about that is that we are not alone in this world and never have been. The angels came before us and they're always watching.

Thanks for letting me share, people. I was pretty shaken up. I guess I have more of this ahead of me as I get better. I'm going to put this one into the sprititual category.

Any thoughts? Comments? ... Should I keep sharing these as they happen or am I only detracting from things here?
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