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Old 03-15-2024, 06:30 PM
  # 15 (permalink)  
Join Date: Sep 2021
Posts: 148
Originally Posted by Zewrty5309 View Post
My husband has a long history of alcohol and drug use. Every lent he would quite drinking and it was wonderful. He has been trying the "California Sober" (aka. Demi Lovato) program where you can drink a little and smoke pot. It seemed to work great for about 6 months. However, I came home early from work the other day to find him past out drunk in the back yard. He was cutting the grass and claims it was just heat stroke. The neighbors told me that he was completely intoxicated, stumbling around and was ranting about politics with them. I'm now back to hunting down where his bottle of whiskey and vodka are. In the past he would hide vodka and fill his windshield wiper fluid with it. He has 2 DUI's but the first one was back in the 90's. A therapist told me that it's not good to be the Booze Police but it's the only time he will admit to being drunk is when I find the empties and shove them in his face. It's so satisfying to see him busted and twist in the wind.
I know a good suggestion is for him to hit some AA meetings but he hates them and claims that it's a dangerous cult and is filled with homeless people or ex-convicts.To be fair, there were a group of tough looking men chain smoking the last time I dropped him off at one. We live in a completely legal marijuana State and would be okay if he could just stick to pot. I have a medical marijuana card for a serious illness and mainly take edibles. I suspect with him though that pot leads him back to the booze. I put part of the blame on liquor store clerks and owners who knowingly sell booze to him. We put drug dealers in prison. One look at him and you can tell he drinks heavily. Our teenagers are afraid to bring home friends because they never know if he will be sober or not. One of my daughter's friends no longer is able to come to our house due to a prior incident.
I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place. The only thing that keeps me going is my faith in God. I am at a lost as to what to do? I've been considering sending him packing and he can stay with his brother or a motel for a while. The house is so much more peaceful without him in it. Sorry that this turned out so long. Thank you for reading.
This is a parody, right?
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