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Old 02-19-2024, 12:22 AM
  # 17 (permalink)  
Join Date: Sep 2023
Posts: 535
Hi knee I'm no expert on this I can only throw in my view. I'm currently doing the work. Remember the post you posted when you couldn't go to your class because your legs were in agony but you were massively flapping cos it was a Fri. I'm using this as an example.

So Driguy commented on the fact exercise isn't always the answer. I've exercised all my life and I'm still an alcoholic. I think what he was getting at was finding peace with yourself without having to find something to do every time you feel wobbly. Kind of being happy in your own body. This is very difficult for me to as I can tell I'm quite similar to you.

So for me doing the work means changing thinking patterns. So I'm nearly 6 months the novelty has worn off. I sometimes miss alcohol to numb me through challenging times. I don't ever crave a glass of wine for the tasthe of it I realise now was the affect of wine for me, it shut my over active brain off for a while. So the work for myself is being aware of these situations, which I clearly am, I see now why I drank and I understand why. To learn to deal with life when I would have run to alcohol.

My coping strategies are
I play drinking forward I have never once woken at weekends thinking blimey wish I'd drank last night.
When a situation arises (your Fri night would be one) finding something that is doable if I can't do my exercise class for example. Trying to find a way that your comfortable just chilling on a Fri night.
For me it's being happy with all the benefits of not drinking I've also put a lot of work into being totally positive about stopping. Which has come from reading and watching you tube learning about how addiction works and what alcohol does.
I've always tried to face this with a positive attitude.
I've given up drinking not living approach because if you aren't at peace with sobriety you'll constantly feel your denying yourself, like when you diet you want food more.

It's finding a way to be happy that your a non drinker. For yourself as you said about the Friday evenings then concerned about how you'd get through holidays etc. Im no expert but I have faced nights out, nights away have holidays booked and the longer ive been sober the more im looking forward to them because i'm becoming comfortable as a sober me. I'm looking forward to all the stuff I've drank through and missed previously.

So after all that waffling I guess doing the work comes down to finding what works for you to help you deal with a permanent life sober. I will add I don't think of alcohol at all at wkend and the longer I've been sober it's become my happy norm without having to be distracted by doing stuff to pass time.
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