Thread: Lost
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Old 12-20-2023, 09:17 PM
  # 472 (permalink)  
Join Date: Feb 2023
Posts: 213
Hey lost
I wonder is there an al-teen or youth al-anon programme, im not sure how old your son is but even reaching out to his school, in confidence of course, they should have some links to therapy or school counsellor
if he has hobbies, try indulge, gaming, or go swimming a nature hike?
its hard I know, being present and the stable parent is hard but he will come round
Also, sad but no surprise he went back to ex, someone he can use with and won't call him out his ****** behaviour. She won no prize, i know it didn't send you spiraling but it still stings. For that im sorry.
one day at a time, its all any of us can do really
B x
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