Thread: Lost
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Old 11-04-2023, 10:07 AM
  # 408 (permalink)  
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Originally Posted by Lost2011 View Post
Ok so I know I shouldn’t do this but….I creeped his Facebook and he is posting all these memes about loyalty, and how his side of the story doesn’t matter, and how he has such a big heart etc.

it’s like laughable really? Like is he crazy? The way he must see this situation is mind boggling. You were the most disloyal and dishonest person in this marriage. But now he has “healed” and know who deserves a seat at his table. Well so do I, my friend.
Just like he used FB to try to hurt you (or just feed his ego) when he was living with the other woman, he is now using it to try to save face. It's just a tool for him.

"Because addiction by definition is an irrational, unbalanced and unhealthy behavior pattern resulting from an abnormal obsession, it simply cannot continue to exist under normal circumstances without the progressive attack upon and distortion of reality resulting from the operation of its propaganda and psychological warfare brigades. The fundamentally insane and unsupportable thinking and behavior of the addict must be justified and rationalized so that the addiction can continue and progress"

"In order for the addiction to continue it requires an increasingly idiosyncratic private reality subject to the needs of the addictive process and indifferent or even actively hostile to the healthy needs of the addict and those around him".

"At this stage of addiction the addict is in fact functionally insane. It is usually quite impossible, even sometimes harmful to attempt to talk him out of his delusions regarding his addiction. This situation is similar to that encountered in other psychotic illnesses, schizophrenia for example, in which the individual is convinced of the truth of things that are manifestly untrue to everyone else".

I should mention, these papers were written by Floyd P Garret MD an addiction specialist.

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