Thread: Lost
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Old 09-17-2023, 01:17 PM
  # 45 (permalink)  
Join Date: Mar 2021
Posts: 336
Originally Posted by Lost2011 View Post
For those of you that have been through this - how long until you felt normal again? I can barely get off the couch.
Everyone is different but for me, that first extreme pain and numbness lasted only a couple weeks max.

I did have a therapist, and I also got on very low dose antidepressants to help my body from getting too imbalanced during the worst.

The next phase, where I was capable of doing things and even feeling happiness, but still in a sort of shock and denial of my life changing, lasted several months. My old life felt “real,” and my new life felt like a strange dream. Creating a new routine was vital. I walked, a lot in the early days. Fresh air, time to think or not think, music that helped my mood, etc. Then it became the gym as I had more energy. Meetings, this support forum, and scheduling phone calls or coffee with people I trusted and who supported me. I slowly weaned off the anti-depressants with the instructions of my doctor. I treated myself to something fun with no judgement at least once a week to show myself my new life wasn’t sad. I deeply feel that the “new life” needs to take shape before it feels real. Include as much joy and self-support in the new routine as you can, to help your mind realize the joy in freedom.

The next phase started about 6 months after the crisis time, and lasted around a year or year and a half? Almost two? This phase is where I felt good more often than bad, and focused on rebuilding myself and my life, one step at a time. I couldn’t think too far ahead but I felt motivated again. This period is kind of a blur but I got my life on track during this time.

The next phase, where I feel truly better than ever, started around 2 years after everything fell apart for me. I feel more confident in myself, I really, truly enjoy my life, I don’t feel like I’m living with the ghost of my past over my shoulder. I’m starting to get back to my longterm dreams again.

Everyone’s timeline is different of course, and everyone’s circumstances of how we get here is different, but there is DEFINITELY a light at the end of that tunnel. Just keep walking
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