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Old 03-14-2023, 10:47 AM
  # 271 (permalink)  
tursiops999's Avatar
Join Date: Jun 2015
Posts: 2,620
Alpine, love that sheet meme! Wish mine were marked!!
Grateful to just stay home another day. My cold is getting much better, but still have a lingering cough. I think I'll be well enough to go camping tomorrow (especially since it's glamping in my van with a heater and running water).
Grateful I'll have therapy later today. Grateful also to be feeling like maybe I'll wrap up/discontinue my therapy soon. I sorta feel like I'm getting pretty settled in to my new life without Mr. T. I know grief never really ends, but it does get easier to live with. I don't want to pay for therapy forever, and am feeling like I'm ok to launch on my own. Maybe that's a mistake, who knows?
Grateful for this group. I feel grounded and warm & fuzzy after our morning check-ins.
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