Old 01-05-2023, 08:11 PM
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Join Date: Nov 2016
Posts: 8,727
Hi vision, glad you posted.

I have a suggestion. Instead of attempting to stay strong not to go back, how about setting some boundaries around it (for yourself, you don't even have to tell him if you don't want to). If he sobers up and cleans up all good and fine, but a few weeks of sobriety is just a drop in the ocean.

He would need at least a good year of sobriety and working on recovery (two different things) before he will have any kind of strong foothold. Recovery being working on himself, maybe AA meetings or therapy or some group.

Those would be indicators that he's serious. Not him staying (kind of) sober for a few weeks and appearing to have it together. You can't trust that. So if you really don't want this, maybe set that boundary, a year of complete sobriety and working on recovery and you might consider a relationship, taken very slowly even then. I'm going to guess he would balk at that (if you told him). Even that is only if you are actually interested, maybe you would like to move on now.

Second would be to write a list of all the awful things about this relationship:

- Bails on plans or is too drunk to go
- Doesn't answer my text for two days sometimes
- Disappears for days
- Can't go anywhere that alcohol isn't served
- Says I am "too sensitive"

etc etc. Keep that list handy and whenever you start thinking about the "good times", pull that list out (even if that's 20 times a day to start). Add to it as you think of things.

Most important is taking care of yourself. Being around friends and family that you care about, posting here instead of texting him, talking about your story.

Read around the forum, you will probably find many threads you can relate to.
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