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Old 09-29-2022, 04:12 AM
  # 458 (permalink)  
Join Date: Jan 2018
Posts: 2,937
Free, very sweet post with love for all who post and lurk here.
Fearless, that is awful about waking up possibly mid-panic attack. I am really sorry and hope peace finds you.
Turs, really same for you—sounds like the volunteer assignment is pretty overwhelming. Hope you can find a way that it is less so or set some other kind of boundary around it.
CBS, if you can, let us know how it went with your siblings and the rest of your family. Prayers in the meantime.
Alpine, thinking of you. I hope you are doing roughly okay and/or that you can come here for support if you need more of it in your life. And proud of you for staying sober.
BB, is HRT hormone replacement theory? Whatever it is, hope you find whatever you need to get to feeling … I guess “in sorts”? Everyone always talks about being out of sorts but I’ve never heard what the opposite of that is. Read a quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson yesterday about not being cumbered by regrets. Which is weird because people always talk about being unencumbered. Or maybe encumbered but not cumbered. Checked just now and it is a word. Weird. I digress.

Grateful I got some sleep last night and could go to bed by my desired 9:30.
Grateful our work bought a table at a luncheon where one of our newest hires (but an old colleague from my last job) was honored.
Grateful that for better or worse I’ve got to get a big deliverable turned in today. Hopeful i can take a bit of a breath after that.
Grateful for a few nights solo while the kids are at their dad’s.
Grateful the house is clean-ish after some little bursts of cleaning activity on my part last night.
Grateful for rescuers and helpers. One of the other women honored at the luncheon had started a relief org for families whose lives were disrupted by fires. It sort of morphed into an overall assistance org for when people are waiting for other assistance to kick in. They have fed a ton of people themselves, with their families taking vacation time to serve others. It was very moving.
Grateful to be here with you all.
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