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Old 09-10-2022, 06:29 AM
  # 259 (permalink)  
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Join Date: Dec 2017
Location: United States
Posts: 2,547
BB, I would definitely recommend The Crown, every episode feels like watching a movie - so gorgeous, and the actors are amazing! I have some (possibly misplaced) sympathy for Charles as well, I feel like it's blasphemy to suggest that both he AND Diana might have been very problematic in their marriage? Although she was basically a kid, so there's definitely that.
CBS, huge congrats on your win, that's awesome!!! I can't wait to make it to Asheville one of these days.
NL, Thai food makes everything better! And if you need any help with low or no cost decorating, you know where to find me.
Hev, here's hoping we're both less irritable today, for the sake of everyone around us.
Fearless, Motley Crue, you're brave! Now I need to google them to see if it's the original band.
CP, have fun with your grandson! My nieces get similarly irritated when their brother sleeps over here.

Grateful for coffee.
Grateful for a great night's sleep.
Grateful there's a football game today at my son's college, it's apparently a huge deal.
Grateful my younger son went camping with his best friend - they go to different schools now, but I love that they remained close.
Grateful I was able to spend a little time with my parents yesterday, even though my mom had a rough morning of confusion and agitation. Fearless, I'm so not looking forward to the phase you described, where your dad assigned various identities to you.
Grateful for beautiful weather.
Grateful to be sober.
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