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Old 07-25-2022, 04:05 AM
  # 204 (permalink)  
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Join Date: Dec 2017
Location: United States
Posts: 2,547
Fearless, Abba - how fun!!!
Hev, your comment about decluttering down to bare bones is inspiring me (and reminding me of my dad). He may or may not have taken it one step too far by giving me back all the framed photos of my kids we've given them, only my older son's senior portrait made the cut. Their new place is definitely much smaller, but it's a 2BR so he will have an office - but I do understand his need to get rid of as much stuff as possible. We're in the stage where I find my car full of random crap every time I go over there.
Free, so happy your stepson was ready and willing to help out with the airline departure.
Turs, that's great that you got a full 8 hours of sleep.
CBS, if you're looking for a healthier alternative to blueberry muffins, these are awesome - here's a link.

Grateful for coffee.
Grateful for the clarity that can sometimes come as the result of conflict.
Grateful I was able to be supportive of my parents yesterday. Grateful to keep reminding myself that I'm doing my best.
Grateful for texting with my boys last night, one at school and one at camp. Grateful my younger son won't be gone too long.
Grateful I impulsively decided to give my dogs a shower (yes, it's as weird as it sounds!)
Grateful that our A/C problems didn't prevent me from sleeping, although I wish I could have slept a couple hours more!
Grateful to be reminded of how much control I have over myself, and how little I have over what other people do.
Grateful for beautiful views out of my top-floor window.
Grateful to be sober, and for everyone here - you're the highlight of every single morning.
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