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Old 05-12-2022, 12:28 PM
  # 6 (permalink)  
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Originally Posted by Sammy86 View Post
I just don't believe that if he were to live with me he would just magically stop. I feel like if we did live together he would drink behind my back like he is doing now or he would be obvious about it but we would be in a living situation that would be difficult to get out of at that point. I also have an issue with the fact he wants to be a part of mine & my kid's lives but only talks about seeing his kids again, but doesn't do anything to make that happen. It makes me feel like he is being a hypocrite for all the things he says I need to do for our relationship when he hasn't stopped drinking and done what he was supposed to do. He also recently started a new job that has been stressful for him and that has been an issue as well. Last night he texted me and said he didn't want to talk to me anymore (I think he was drunk) and he has done this many times and then calls me a couple of days later and now I'm trying to figure out should I continue to try to get him help and work on our relationship or take this opportunity to just walk away and let him deal with his own problems?
Hi Sammy, you are right, he won't magically stop drinking if he moves in and it would be a very difficult situation if that ever happened and yes, he is a hypocrite as well.

You can't help him, this is far beyond anything you can do. You didn't Cause it, can't Control it and can't Cure it (the 3 c's).

What kind of order does he have where he isn't allowed to be around children?

Regardless, as others have said, run away from this as fast as you can. I completely understand what he is getting from you (kindness, compassion, companionship), what I don't see is anything you are getting out of this except a lot of stress and hurt.

No one should treat someone the way he has treated you. You do actually deserve to be treated with respect and kindness. You will never, ever, get that from him.

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