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Old 05-10-2022, 04:07 AM
  # 211 (permalink)  
PalmerSage's Avatar
Join Date: Dec 2017
Location: United States
Posts: 2,547
Hev and Alpine, I forgot we share that Finger Lakes connection! I grew up going to my aunt and uncle's house on Seneca Lake, then proceeded to go to college there too. So many great childhood memories.
Free, isn't it weird to be the only sober person sometimes? Like an anthropology mission, haha.
CBS, so happy you were remembered on Mother's Day by all your kids.
NL, isn't it funny how certain movies bring you back to a moment in time? I (usually) love it when that happens.

Grateful for coffee.
Grateful my brother dropped everything to try to help my older son jump-start his car. Somehow he keeps draining the battery, and this time it was so dead it couldn't be jumped - but at least they tried.
Grateful for low moods yesterday, because I'm hoping today will be more productive and upbeat by comparison.
Grateful to recognize that sometimes I'm better off in the office. Telework is great, but not for procrastinators!
Grateful for another bright, sunny day (and I definitely don't mind that it's chilly).
Grateful for morning quiet.
Grateful that my only presentation today should be fairly easy.
Grateful to suddenly realize I still have a lot of work to do on it though! Better run.
Grateful to be sober.
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