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Old 03-26-2022, 05:44 AM
  # 187 (permalink)  
Join Date: Jan 2018
Posts: 2,951
Grateful to FBL for the update on least! And so grateful the surgery was a success.
Grateful to read several of you thinking about/trying intermittent fasting. Maybe I will try it some day too. For those of you who have tried it, did you read a particular book or follow a particular guideline??
Grateful for a very nice memorial service for my grandfather. It makes such a difference when the officiant knows the person, and in this case, my grandparents were members of the church for FIFTY years so they were well known to the minister.
Grateful I made it through the day sober. When everyone was gathered at my cousin’s house yesterday evening, no one was pressuring me at all but I just really wanted to feel altered. It is hard for me to explain how I simultaneously feel on a fundamental level that I do not want to mute my life with substances and that I cannot create a life I don’t need to escape with the life sucking influence of alcohol still holding sway—and yet in so many individual moments feel a compulsion to be as anesthetized as possible. I don’t know why I am white knuckling so much right now — but I am.
Grateful for a nice walk yesterday afternoon. In hindsight I should have just gone on my own and listened to a podcast because I ended up in a bit of a fight with my sister. But oh well.
Grateful everyone here can probably relate to the complex and sometimes difficult dynamics within a family.
Grateful for church volunteers who serve lemonade and coffee.
Grateful for the Air BnB my mom got. Out my window are a network of bird feeders and there is lots of activity. Wish I knew what any birds were but alas.
Grateful to hear one of my cousins has quit drinking. I was a little worried about him back around the time of my brother’s funeral but it seemed like maybe that night was just an anomaly. Anyhow, however he got there, I’m grateful for it. (I didn’t get a chance to talk to him — just heard through my sister after he had left town).
Grateful for some yummy Indian food last night.
Grateful I got one of my grandpa’s antique harmonicas to take home, along with one of my grandma’s quilts, though I’m not sure that is going to fit in my bag
Grateful for all of you.
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