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Old 03-22-2022, 04:33 AM
  # 139 (permalink)  
PalmerSage's Avatar
Join Date: Dec 2017
Location: United States
Posts: 2,547
Aly, happy birthday! I hope people did some nice things for you. You really deserve it.
Free, the bread looks great. I still have the sourdough starter my coworker gave me in the fridge, it seems complicated!
Turs, so happy you had a good trip.
CBS, you're my hero with camping, especially that you were happy to see snakes?
Hev, I don't remember Grossingers, does it not exist anymore? I think she used seeded Jewish rye, not sure of the brand.
Fearless, I agree with the others that your husband really picked the right person - it's so great that you have so much compassion and understanding for his challenges.
NL, I'm so happy you were kind of able to sleep through the storm. Tornados sound so scary, not a thing here in the mid-Atlantic (we have other fun stuff though).

Grateful for coffee.
Grateful that although I have two presentations (plus a meeting with the big boss) tomorrow, at least I can knock them out in one day this week. Hopefully I didn't suggest that I'm actually good at presentations - I'm just much more used to them than I was before!
Grateful that my brother is taking the day off to take my dad to his catheterization tomorrow.
Grateful I was able to take the day off to take my husband to his treatments on Friday.
Grateful my younger son is enjoying lacrosse.
Grateful my older son is enjoying track.
Grateful for my sweet dogs.
Grateful for an office day, to mix things up.
Very grateful to be sober.
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