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Old 10-19-2021, 12:06 PM
  # 5 (permalink)  
Join Date: Jun 2019
Posts: 276

Wow, you are in the middle of the storm, I can feel it in your writing. I fully can appreciate your situation and if you are feeling deflated and just run over that is entirely appropriate given the circumstances. I don't know how well-versed you are with the disease or where you are at in terms of looking after yourself. In terms of the lack of information from the facility, that seems to be the standard approach, ignore the family...I am sure there are better ones but that was my experience too.

My ex did all the same things, cheated, disappeared, cold, etc...absolutely cray and it hurt me and still hurts to this day. All I can say is, that if I was in it again I would do things differently. I would have seen the futility of trying to make something work with another person who was so far gone and hunkered down, took care of my personal responsibilities, and moved forth in my life even if only for baby steps. Dude, I have been there. Nothing I did or said had any effect on her when in the madness. Her coldness suggests to me that you may want to consider backing away. You are hurting, please don't go back for more, when it is clear she is disrespecting what you have together. Or consider taking a step back, hunker down and find a counsellor and develop a plan to look after yourself, family and financial interests. If you want to private message me please do so. I am here to offer you any support you need as I have been thru this ringer and can maybe tell you what NOT to do)). Cause I made a lot of choices that hurt me.
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