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Old 09-02-2021, 04:11 PM
  # 71 (permalink)  
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Originally Posted by STDragon View Post
Patcha, I went keto for awhile. I felt pretty good and lost some weight, but it was hard to maintain and eventually slipped back into the ol' sugar routine. I would get flu like feelings when my body transitioned into the ketosis mode, then if I slipped, I'd have to go thru the transition again. I need to follow your example and cut back on the sugar. (I'd like to drop back on the caffeine intake too). I had an ultra sound recently and it found 'indications' of 'slight' fatty liver (their words).
I'm not sure I could do keto. I'm following the way of eating recommended by endocrinologist Dr Robert Lustig to manage my insulin situation. I chanced upon his videos on youtube. Great stuff. I'm also "eating the rainbow". Last night I roasted squash, carrots, courgette, red pepper and chicken legs. A very cheap and highly nutritious meal that didn't spike my insulin. Why didn't I start doing this years ago. I try not to snack and I'm not looking for replacements for things like sugar, flour or desserts. I'm doing my best to avoid any sweet taste, which is recommended for people with my medical condition. Although I think people who struggle with alcohol cravings could probably also do with avoiding sugar as they are both basically refined carbohydrate energy sources with no nutrients that mess up your brain chemistry.
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