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Old 06-09-2021, 08:06 AM
  # 346 (permalink)  
Join Date: Nov 2017
Posts: 2,583
Hey everyone’ I hope everyone is doing ok?

l am just at the pool whilst Seren has her swimming lesson so taking the opportunity to post!

i can’t remember when I last posted so sorry if I repeat myself but we had a great time at Harry Potter world and it was fun to stay at the hotel and go swimming the next day. This weekend has been so busy too, we spent Monday (school I set day) at Brighton pier going on all the rides and had a blast! My big mistake was going on the waltzer, I felt sick as a dog for a good while after !

i have some news... I have a job! I am starting work as a covid tester for Boots. It’s part time and only till the end of July but it means money and also I am looking forward to getting back to work. I’ve enjoyed my time off but I need to be doing something. I also got a call from change grow live re a peer mentor position. He wanted to know if I was still interested and said they would be in contact in September as they have pushed recruitment back due to covid.

Since I have left AA and stopped practicing the programme I feel I am retaining more to myself. When I say myself I mean the old me, the person I was before I was ravaged by alcohol, and a better version of the old me because of the work I have done on myself. I don’t want to bash AA as it was there for me when I needed it but I feel I have outgrown my need for it now and my sobriety/recovery/life is taking a different path and it feels so right in my heart.

Not much else else to report. Have switched anti d’s and feel like my new ones are helping me more, my eating and exercise have improved and I am being far more proactive than I have been for a long while!

Obviously my my mum is sick and that sucks but other than that just for today everything is good.

how are you all doing? Xx
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