Old 04-16-2021, 02:13 AM
  # 394 (permalink)  
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Join Date: May 2018
Posts: 8,762
Hi April class

18 days is great BTG! And how exciting about your son’s new puppy

Well done on 4 days Lucinda and Ladytron!

And 16 days Freedom

Scott, I agree, getting past the first week to two weeks is a challenge, and then (for me at least) it gets a little easier, although I still have to fend off the AV.

Phoebe, I hope you’re feeling better soon

Plenny that sounds really frustrating, I hope something better comes along soon.

Citrus, how’re you doing? Did you get your phone back on track?

I hope everyone else is going ok too. Come and post and say hi

I’m on a month today! I had been struggling to get more than a few days or a few weeks so I’m really grateful to be at one month again! I rewarded myself with a massage which was heavenly. I haven’t had one since pre-Covid so it really was blissful

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