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Old 01-31-2021, 03:15 PM
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Originally Posted by JamesSquire View Post
Red, I hear you.
I have been so unhappy for so long. Maybe if you can afford it, see a psychologist
Last week, my Aunty wrote me a condescending email, in regard to how my brother had taken the wrong path and was dying due to his choices in a life of drinking and drugs. I returned the email with a terse explanation of our dysfunctional family life and how dare she be the judge of the paths we have chosen. Anyway the reason I'm telling you this, is that I felt so much better afterwards. I understand my drinking problem more.
Maybe you should write one to a 'fictional aunt', explaining why you drink, maybe if you put it on paper, you may see the reason and can understand it more.
I'm lost but I understand it more.
Sorry, I'm ranting!
That sounds like a great idea JamesSquire... I'm in what I would call an abusive relationship, it's not abusive all the time but it's defo enough that it's worn me down over the years, we are not combatible enough to be life partners and I am suffering from his high expectations of me. I see a counsellor every fortnight about this but haven't come to the point where I'm strong enough to leave. We own a house together but I feel that I'm just living inside his life and his house and just have to put up with the choices he makes rather than it being decesions we make together..
I think I need to write 2 letters, 1 to alcohol and 1 to him but maybe not give it to him..
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