Old 01-29-2021, 03:26 AM
  # 26 (permalink)  
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Last night, the blessings of sobriety and cannabis free living found me under a beautiful full-moon sky on a frozen pond with my three daughters... clearing the snow, ice skating, working the surface to a smooth and skateable sheen. Although there were rough moments of those kids complaining and bickering that frustrated me - overall it was a glorious thing indeed. Earlier in the evening, I had glanced at the time while preparing to head home from work for this mission. It was 4:19. I had this fleeting thought.... 4:20 is just around the corner!! If I hurry I could go grab a spliff from the dispensary and smoke it before the pond. I saw that thought arise, thought back at it: "That's insane", and went home without a stop.

The moonlit sky, the backlit clouds, my daughters' squeals and smiles, the weariness of a couple hours of shoveling and hacking holes in the ice and throwing water across the surface to smooth it.... the contentment of presence and of clarity and of goodness.

Thank God for this Day Four.

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