Old 05-20-2020, 04:02 PM
  # 9 (permalink)  
Join Date: May 2020
Posts: 11
My mother died last sunday. My alcoholic abusive brother now claims that he is trustee of the estate. He is making threats and saying that he is going make my inheritance of several million dollars into a trust and I will receive a very small amount every year and that I will have to scrimp, struggle and save and life will be hard. He has literally ruined my life with his abuse in the past and his actions amount to reckless endangerment. I am the oldest and they have always treated me like a scapegoat and gaslighted me. I have endured many hardships and and I am a survivor of multiple violent assaults. No one in my family ever said or did anything, They would sooner have me gone because it's always been about the money. My mother realized this in the last two years of her life and was so apologetic as she came closer to death. I love her. But my siblings are astounding in the way they continue to treat me. At this point all I care about are my legal rights.
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