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Old 10-13-2019, 11:44 AM
  # 12 (permalink)  
Join Date: Sep 2019
Posts: 63
Originally Posted by trailmix View Post
I rarely drink but it doesn't bother me to be around alcohol and I don't care how much anyone else drinks.

That's a control issue imo. It's not my place to decide if someone drinks, how much they drink or when they drink - that's 100 percent up to them.

Them handing you wine without asking is out of line. I would actually call them and mention it (if you are so inclined).

The shaking is definitely an emotional reaction and worth working on. Not because you need to feel comfortable around alcohol, but there is obviously some trauma there.
Is just assumed everyone drinks. I get it was a courtesy but I got overly sensitive about people just handling drinks for other without asking because what went through with the A.

I knew if someone offered or gave him alcohol he would take it. Now I understand i have no power to control it or take care of them. And most people have no idea what is like to live in an alcoholic world.

One of the vacation we went XAF promised he wouldn’t drink in that trip, on the flight the flight attendant trying to be nice handled him 4 bottles of wine (the small ones)he immediately opened one.

I was upset with the flight attendant, but I get she was just trying to be nice. But a lot of emotions goes with that.

i will definitely try figure a way to cope with it
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