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Old 04-09-2019, 09:07 AM
  # 10 (permalink)  
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Join Date: Jun 2017
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I thought that people in A.A. wanted to reach out to new people and help them.
They do.

I can still remember my early experiences with AA meetings many years ago. My demeanor/body language sent mixed messages to other people back then. It screamed "help" and "stay" away at the same time.

In hindsight , it is not surprising that people gave me a bit of space.

I have been sober for 15 years and I still get uncomfortable approaching newcomers after meetings. I don't like that about myself and it makes me feel shame. I am addressing that issue because I need to give back. AA saved my life and I need to pay it forward.

This share/thread on your experience with AA thus far will be good fuel for me in my efforts to work on my issue and discomfort with approaching newcomers at meetings. Thank you!

If I could use a time machine to go back to that day when I first walked into a meeting AA, what advice would I give to Nez?... I would tell Nez to walk up to someone after the meeting, put his hand out and say "I need help".
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