Old 01-30-2019, 06:10 AM
  # 295 (permalink)  
NewChapterJan18's Avatar
Join Date: Jan 2018
Posts: 984
Hi Class,

Sorry for a quiet few days, it's been super busy socially, work wise and some big decisions hanging over!

@Palmer: Best of luck for the job interview! It sounds like it has the potential to be an exciting opportunity! As with yourself and NL, I've also been having odd thoughts and reminiscent ideas about drinking. I definitely need to keep my guard up as I want to nip those ideas in the bud before they have the chance to evolve. I really must visit the gratitude thread!

@Scotty: I hope that the new school year has gotten off to a bright start! I can only imagine how stressful and exhausting it must be managing the fear, anxiety and scheduling from both sides of the same equation! Major congratulations on the 9lbs weight loss, what an impressive achievement. Sounds like you are doing so well with the sugar management. I smiled so big reading your description of the Chinese man with the flute - even your written account made me feel serene and happy.

@NL: Thanks for the gratitude thread tip - I must make time to go check it out. I guess I just gravitate towards the Class thread as I feel we have such a lovely tight knit and respectful bond over here. Insulation and solace I guess! I'm sure the gratitude thread is just as welcoming and kind. I'm sorry to hear about the issues at work stemming from a few obstinate leaders at the top. That is one of the most frustrating situations because it can feel nigh on impossible to make any headway or effectuate any real change, which of course can make you feel powerless to the chaos. Sending hugs! So funny you mention about the fancy restaurant and the erratic thoughts of cocktails. I have found my mind wandering towards those rose tinted ideas a little lately, no doubt as I am feeling stressed about a decision I need to make about whether to re-apply for the Masters I declined last year. The AV really just knows when to pop up out of the blue! A reminder to us all to stay vigilant, I guess.

@Sunflower: I'm so sorry you've been unwell - sending hugs! I am so happy to hear that you are enjoying bible study and feeling so at peace and content.

That's all for now! :-)
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