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Old 12-09-2018, 12:22 AM
  # 9 (permalink)  
Ocean Lover!
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Join Date: Apr 2018
Location: You know nothing Jon Snow - UK
Posts: 2,604
Like Dee said so eloquently what worked for me was taking action to heal the void rather than fill it. My void was created by not enjoying my own company, not liking or loving myself and being uncomfortable in my own skin. The drink used to bridge that gap for me and once it was out of the picture I just didn't know what to do. I started to work on myself and use some CBT tools to try and understand my thinking and challenge my thoughts and perceptions so I could have a healthier view on things. Slowly I started to become less and less comfortable. Focussing on your needs rather than wants was also important for me as I had spent so much time focussing on what I wanted and not what was best for me. Getting a good sleep pattern, eating 3 healthy meals a day at the same time, going walking every day, cooking from recipie books, reading and posting here, going to my online recovery meetings, de-cluttering my home and getting rid of clothes and possessions I was hoarding that were really a weight on my shoulders, working on only being in the present (not yesterday, not tomorrow....just today), stopped watching so much TV/news and social media as that was always full of people that made me feel inadequate with their wonderful lives and things I could never have, social media where everyone was judging and bitching at each other and news that just depressed me and made me feel like "what's the point as were all fu$ked anyway".

I don't feel that void in the same way anymore, I don't feel like something is missing and now I can recognise that when I do have a similar feeling it's always down to something I am thinking and feeling that I need to work on or deal with in a more healthy way. Having the ability to notice this and then try to heal my thinking to something more positive and realistic has been the key to not feeling the void as much. xx
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