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Old 09-14-2018, 11:20 PM
  # 6 (permalink)  
Join Date: Jul 2018
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Originally Posted by pdm22 View Post
This made me laugh, I can totally relate to this comment. I’m actually married to someone like this, but in my dating years, I seemed to attract addicts and party types, artists and eccentrics. I seem to have quiet a few friends like this now, too. Never really figured out why that is. My family of origin was a little different, and I did quite a bit of traveling in my childhood- 20s, communist countries and very “real”, non-touristy places.

Currently I live in suburbia in a very clean-cut town, and sometimes it drives me nuts, I just want to cut loose and run streaking through the streets, it’s so wholesome (ha). I work in Social Work, and I’ll take long shifts dealing with craziness any day over the run of the mill boredom around here. My last addict / alcoholic boyfriend that I had prior to getting married was the tipping point for me when it comes to alcohol dependence/ addiction, and if I wasn’t married, I don’t think I could go back to that, but I do still have some friends like this. Sometimes I wonder about myself, maybe I’m just a little wacky and feel comfortable around other different/ eccentric people? Who knows, but I loved your post and your comment .
Thanks, I can relate to your living in a boring town and wanting to cut loose.

I'm obsessed with the why's of everything so I've been working on why I go for guys that are bit messed up or addicts, I can feel bit better than them. According to melody beattie, we vibrationally attract people that feel familiar to us, so depending on the types of vibrations we got in our family of origin, that can dictate the types of people we go for too.

Part of me does wonder would I be able to be someone who has it together, but if they met my needs and treated me well, I think I'd like that!
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