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Old 08-13-2018, 06:39 PM
  # 337 (permalink)  
Join Date: Oct 2017
Posts: 591
Originally Posted by kgirl41 View Post
Good morning sober family <3
Sorry I missed the last couple of days posting. Friday morning I had an early morning appointment to have my car serviced and yesterday Miss Thalo Jean was here early and I spent the day with her yesterday. Looks like everyone is doing well.

Daisy - I, too, have had periods of time hitting 11 months! Lots of 1, 2, & 3 months. And it was getting harder and harder towards the end (before this last sober time). I was literally only making it a day or two. But also like you something is different this time. I have no desire to drink at all. I put a lot of work into myself in the beginning and I think that made a big difference. In all my sobriety before I was a "Dry drunk" just counting down the time until I drank again. My biggest challenge will be complacency so even though I don't struggle with wanting drink right now I know if I don't keep up with some sort of program then someday alcohol will sneak back in. This morning I started reading This Naked Mind by Annie Grace. I must keep on keepin on.
BTW: zipling and trampolines - how fun! I would have been right in there, too

Vipe - I can totally resonate with your issues. I have Hashimoto's disease and Reynauds disease both auto immune diseases. When my hashi's is flared up I feel so sick. Mostly it is when my meds are not where they need to be. In addition to pharmecutical meds I use essential oils, supplements and when I'm doing REALLY well I'm eating right (no gluten, sugar, dairy) etc. But honestly, sugar has been a lifesaver for me with not drinking so I just try to balance my eating right now. Did you know that all auto immune diseases start in the gut? That's why most people that have an autoimmune disease have more than's from leaky gut syndrome. If you can fix your gut you will holistically treat any auto immune diseases. Look into the Paleo Approach and the autoimmune paleo diet. Also, remember, there is no magic pill. These things take time, so try to be patient with the process. Just know that if you wake up each day and take care of yourself eventually you will start to feel better. Thinking of you

Erratic, don't give up, you can do this! Hopefully, you are working on your sobriety plan...we can't rely on will power alone...that is only sustainable for so long. Trust me when I say that living sober is so much better and it's worth all the work that goes into it! Keep posting here, we are behind you 100%.

Donny - what a stinker....lemonade

Hi nichole - how are you?

Quit - you are sounding really good. I'm glad you were able to get some time out with your hubby and enjoy a good band. And you did it sober! Yay! Your sober muscles are flexing!!

Suze - sounds like my kind of night - Netflix and food! What are you watching right now? I'm watching the new season of Orange is the New Black. I'm not loving it as much as some of the other's starting to feel like a lot of shows where they have the same story line just different people and events...know what I mean? I also watch If so check out The Handmaid's Tale! Happy binge watching Oh, and I actually love those moments when you see someone hungover and struggling. It's just such a vivid reminder of why being sober is so much better than that part of it. We are always faced with seeing people drink (in real life, movies, TV etc). Rarely do we get to see the other side (the dark side). Anyway, I bet you walked away from that a little proud of yourself

Strawberry - hang in there during this busy time in your village

Hi Bluesy, hi Dee...hope everyone is doing well.
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