Thread: On My Way # 6
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Old 06-06-2018, 01:39 PM
  # 386 (permalink)  
Join Date: Jun 2014
Location: East Coast USA
Posts: 5,700
This is going to be one of my posts that has nothing to do with addiction, recovery, or really anything related to SR.

Shortly after my family moved in 1973 I met a kid and we've been friends ever since. That we've taken incredibly different paths in life has done nothing to diminish our friendship although even he will admit he hasn't made it easy. There were years when I possibly could have listed him as a dependent on my tax return and the amount of money I've "lent" him will never be seen by my bank account.

We live over a 1000 miles apart and he has no $$ to travel so the once a year I'm in his area I visit him. Except not this year, as I wrote about over a month a go, and not last year when he blew me off. The point of me writing out my thoughts this afternoon is that I've been trying to reach him of over six weeks. Mainly phone calls with a text or two thrown in the mix. No response. Zilch. Radio silence. His multi decade modus operandi is that when things are going well he is in frequent contact, often initiating, and when things are not going well he disappears. The last time I spoke with him things were not going well. I have four options in my opinion.

I can continue to reach out to him; I can call his mother, who has onset dementia; I can call his brother who he is estranged from; or just wait for him to contact me. The first and last options are the most appealing to me and I'm leaning toward continuing to try to initiate contact.

Clearly, I'm in the same position as I was a few minutes ago when I put my hands on my keyboard, but writing about my concerns, even though I've talked with my wife and a mutual friend about them, makes me feel better.
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