Old 05-27-2018, 10:39 PM
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Wishing you the bet Hopeful528. I'm not one to second guess your sponsor as she knows you better than me. But the philosophy of the sponsor that ended up taking me through all 12 steps was to let the sponsee set the pace on working the steps. He said he didn't know how long anyone had before the obsession returned.

My original sponsor wanted me to work one step a month. I'm not sure exactly why he picked that time frame. It was probably because that's what his sponsor did with him and it worked. I didn't feel like I had that much time so I decided to look for another sponsor.

My new sponsor stated that we would start the next step as soon as we finished the last one. It ended up taking us about a month, and 2 weeks of that time was working on my 4th step. Granted we zoomed through the first 3 steps in one day as he could tell I had a good grasp of them (thanks to my original sponsor).

Also, as soon as I had made an earnest start on my 9th step amends we moved on to step 10. It took the better part of a year to do most of my amends, and after 5+ years I still have a few that have not been done due to circumstances beyond my control (but I remain willing to do them if those circumstances change).

I guess most sponsors teach their sponsees the way that they learned them and I have done the same. I do like the idea of letting the sponsee set the pace as long as 1) they have a good grasp of the step before moving to the next one, and 2) they are not procrastinating. I was in pretty bad shape when I came back to AA this time and I was looking for relief. The last thing I wanted to do was delay finding it.
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