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Old 10-21-2005, 10:32 AM
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wsttxbber's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2005
Location: West Texas
Posts: 12
Thats a very small amount of vikes to come off of but you will still experiance a withdrawl because the opiates have to leave the receptor sites. I was taking 5-6 times that amount a day and went cold turkey with not one bit of medication-only a multi vit/multi mineral. I suffered pretty bad for 5 days but it definantly scared me enough to prevent a relapse and ive been sober going on 2 1/2 yrs. Insomnia and a restless body is what got to me the worst. I cried would get over anxious and every thought was about how the pills would take away the withdrawl and I would be fine. One pill would have started all the withdrawls over. No way was I turning back after the storm hit and when it cleared I felt like a new person. No more thoughts about how to get pills so I wouldnt get sick- I went straight inpatient after I detoxed at a family members house and that was the best thing ive ever done. Whats 5-30 days for the rest of your life??? You will withdraw no matter how much medication you take to feel "comfortable". Dont use sub or methadone-just quit! Why trade one drug for another? 3-5 days aint nothin! Good luck and ill keep you in my prayers-oh and by the way I withdrew from a 40-50 a day pill habit-had pretty much unlimited acsess to norco and percocet 10/500-you can do it-good luck and god bless
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