Old 05-01-2018, 07:36 AM
  # 117 (permalink)  
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Originally Posted by snitch View Post
Hi DC...
I have read your entire thread in awe and I am inspired by your determination and the way you are living your new sober life.

I hope I didn't offend you when I offered my "advice" re your ex. I wasn't trying to suggest you need to be patient in waiting for his acceptance. I just remember reading something on WFS how not everyone is neccessarily happy when we get sober. I wonder if it is now because you are no longer reliant on him that he is being like this? Some people do not like change especially where it may highlight their own flaws or problems.
Anyway it sounds as if you know what you need to do to remove certain toxicness (is that a word?! &#128513 and toxic people from your life and I commend you. It takes a brave woman to break free.
I have had a very tempestuous relationship with the father of my daughter (my ex). He has refused to drink with me for years so he hasn't enabled me. He is not an alcoholic or addict but has brought his fair share of problems to our relationship but my drinking has escalated things.

Anyway talking of songs (wow what a powerful post there from you!) he sent me a link to George Harrison...My Sweet Lord. I lay listening to it last night before bed and I felt maybe this was the first step in me and him making some progress towards a reasonable relationship for the sake of our daughter. Who knows? Its a beautiful song though and lovely to listen to.
Keep up your good work you are amazing
Lots of love x x
Hey Hun,
I was not offended at all, I was just shedding some light on the situation. You are totally right, he is deflecting his personal feelings onto me. He's had years to commit and never did, I told him if he ever threatened to leave the relationship while arguing with me, he should just pack his bags. Our last argument was the beginning of the end as he threatened to leave, so I just did it.

While I'll have a spot for him in my heart, there is no room to actually be with him I hope one day he'll be able to speak to be without belittling me, more so for my little

I'll take a listen to that song, I love how God works through other people's to touch us, it's a daily miracle!!!

Yes, my drinking was probably 70% of out issues.. I'll accept that. I have to accept responsibility for my part, he is just missing his part. O well, not my monkey.

Have a blessed day. I took the day off to pack the house.
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