Old 03-07-2018, 06:52 PM
  # 226 (permalink)  
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Join Date: Aug 2013
Location: GA
Posts: 700
Pinion, i feel you about isolating now with hot tea instead of wine. I would say it's an improvement for now! Tea and a book is better than wine and a book. Maybe gradually work in some social or active stuff where you can. Congrats on your time!

ProfD, I really enjoyed your February posts. Glad that you are here. Congrats on not making those occasions a "f**k it, might as well get drunk" thing. I have a hard time with that.

I don't know if I mentioned here that I got a sponsor. I had some reservations when I first tried to get sober about AA. My gram used it to get sober and now has 33 years. But I never enjoyed my strict christian upbringing so holding hands and repeating the Lord's prayer is not my jam. I tried a meeting after my DUI 4 years ago and found it sad and depressing. It was right after 4th of July and everyone was dismal and I didn't go back (and alot of them forced to go by court)

Tried some different meetings in my new town in October, didn't get a sponsor. Stopped going, started drinking. Anyways, I finally found a meeting I liked and picked a sponsor who spoke and I liked the cut of her jib. I don't know her well yet but she invited me to a women's meeting at a 30 day rehab center yesterday.

I went. I listened. Basically we read a few paragraphs about step 2 and then went around the room and these 20 women spoke about their journeys with faith and what it meant to them today.

It was so humbling. It's family week so many of the women had seen their children or husbands. Some women had lost children. Some cried. (I wanted to cry with them) All of them spoke with sincerity and honesty and conviction and pain. Some of them had so much hope. I felt proud to be in the same room with them. All these women trying their damndest to kick the same baffling drug of alcohol.

Anyways I'm trying to say, in my very humble opinion. If you're new to sobriety like me and were on the fence like me, why not try AA. Maybe it won't suit you or your recovery style but why not have all tools you possibly can have at your disposal just in case it does? I'm willing to do anything
to make the awful nightmare of managing my daily alcohol intake stop.

I'm going to keep going on with it for now. And hopefully make some sober female friends my age while I'm at it. One of the other girls my sponsor works with smokes the same American spirits and has the same AT hiking sticker I have. I have a good feeling about it
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