Old 10-11-2017, 04:29 AM
  # 101 (permalink)  
Join Date: Aug 2017
Posts: 48
Hey Badger. Sounds stressful at the minute for you. You said it though, your family need SO much time to get used to trusting you again. I was thinking from your wifes perspective, she was probably used to the time with you away as her sanctuary from the madness. She may still be treating it like that. She also might need to keep staying detached from you for fear of reaching out and getting a message back alerting her to the fact that you've fallen back into old ways. Pop psych but whatever the reasons we all have to give everyone around us infinite time to readjust 🙂 Hope you start doing better together soon. All you can do is keep up with the sobriety and hugs.

Kachal, I've been a bit the same with my boyfriend. I need a bit of extra peace sometimes (never did before). I tell him I'm feeling super grumpy and he backs off a bit. Once I started feeling good again I did make myself pretty busy and spent time with other people - I'm wondering if, in the early weeks, I just didn't want to risk having to add him to the list of people who have said really stupid annoying things to me about not drinking. So stayed a way a bit just in case! I should've given him more credit but it was all very new and raw and a bit like dangerous ground.

Hope everyone's doing well. I had a terrible thought the other day, now that things have plateaued, that wouldn't it be good to go back, binge a bit and then be able to experience the high of quitting again? Madness. The brain is a wicked weapon, I pointed it in a more sensible direction! 😀
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