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Old 07-24-2017, 03:48 PM
  # 13 (permalink)  
Join Date: Jul 2017
Posts: 22
Originally Posted by tomsteve View Post
couple things about that:
-it takes we who have been in AA for some time to warm up to newcomers. we are there to share our experience,strength, and hope with the newcomer. THAT is our PRIMARY purpose at meetings. we see a LOT of people come through the doors. yup, we'll be friendly, but most of us aint gonna go gettin all buddybuddy with someone thats there to save their job, get their husband/wife off their back, appease the courts, etc.
-the friendships are something that are built over time.
i didnt have much said to me before or after meetings for some time. i still showed up early ,stayed after, and listened. i heard a lot of laughter and freedom.
- we dont rely on each other to "survive" the disease. on that, its important to know what the disease concept is that is referred to- a spiritual disease. the program helps us find a power greater than ourselves, and NOT another person, to help us recover from the hopeless state of mind and body.
we come to rely on that power greater than ourselves. not other humans.

-the special bond is called friendship, which i learned real quick i had no idea what friendship was. that friendship goes way beyond the doors of an AA meeting. there is a lot that we help each other through.
the old saying
theres strength in numbers
shows true in AA.
when i was going through a serious cancer fight( which started 13 months into recovery) i was blessed to have people from the fellowship that rode with me to my appointments, showed up in the hospital when i was going through chemo, visited after one of the 6 surgeries- even brought a meeting to my house a few times- both after a surgery and while recooperating from chemo and while going through a clinical trial-, cleaned my house, brought me meals, cut my grass, did some shopping for me....
and more importantly- listened to me when i was having rough times. the REAL friends didnt just let me go into pity parties about it all- they gave me solutions.
and soemtimes broke out their crowbars to pop my head back out of my ass!
those friendships didnt happen overnight. they took time to build.
and personally i can count on 1 hand the amount of true friends i have. yeah, i know people in AA and talk to quite a few. but theres only a couple that truly know ME.

keep going back,tr4vionz! go to different meetings. get the big book and read it( check out the chapter" a vision for you"). find a sponsor and work the steps.

the best years of your life lie ahead.
Thank you for this!!
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