Thread: Life Ring
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Old 09-15-2005, 04:26 PM
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Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: Davenport, WA
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Hi again Andrew,

The basic premise of LifeRing Recovery is something like this:

Most addicts seeking recovery are not in denial but are ambivalent about giving up mind altering substances. We have two conflicting selves within us. One, the addict self, wanting to continue to use substances despite the negative consequences. The other, the sober self inside us, wanting to be sober and free of our addiction. When actively using the, the addict self is large and has the strongest voice, while the sober self is given the smack down when it tries to speak. When we are free of chemicals, the sober self has a chance to express itself. And the crux of the LifeRing program (and any support group, I believe), is that by sharing with and supporting other sober addicts, we strengthen that part of us which wants sobriety, and the addict self becomes smaller and it's voice less powerful, allowing us to remain in recovery.

In addition, the LifeRing program utilizes a "toolbox", which contains any and all things that a person finds helpful to our sobriety. This can include AA meetings and 12 Step work, SMART principles, and whatever else we find that works for us. We, as individuals, constuct our own program, taking bits and pieces of what we have learned from our fellow members. It is not static, but constantly under revision, and can change as circumstances change.

The meetings are very free-form, and encourage crosstalk. It's an open discussion about how we are doing, what difficulties and challenges we are facing, and what works and does not work for us. I've been to meetings in the SF Bay Area, where LifeRing is very strong, and thought they were wonderful. There are also regular online meetings at the LifeRing Clubhouse. If I have the desire to stay sober, I find it really helps me to stay sober, and to keep that desire alive.

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