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Old 05-14-2017, 03:07 PM
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Join Date: Jan 2014
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Posts: 524
Coping with stress

Hi everyone.

I'm close to celebrating 3 years of sobriety from alcohol. The most challenging has been learning to cope with stress and anxiety because I used to just drown myself in alcohol to escape.
Lately I'm finding it very difficult and feel like I'm close to cracking. All the yoga, running , meditation and deep breaths is barely keeping me sane so I thought I'd talk about it on here preemptively and vent.
I bought a condo last year, my very first home purchase. It has since become the condo from hell. A couple of months after I moved in I got two very bad leaks coming in one of my bedrooms and living room. After pleading with the condo association to fix the leaks for over six months (they kept saying they didn't have the money but would get on it as soon as they did) I began to fear for my health and my pets health so I hired a contractor to cut into the walls. He found lots of mold. We had it tested and its toxic black mold.
After threatening a lawsuit the association finally agreed to fix the leaks. That still leaves me with a quote of over $50,000 of interior damage and mold removal. Entire walls and ceilings need to be torn out and replaced, mold removed. The association of course is saying they don't have the money to fix this damage due to their negligence and even if they did I'd still be responsible for up to half according to the associations laws. They also don't have liability insurance to cover this damage.
I've been advised I should file for bankruptcy and hand the keys over to the bank. I don't have the money or any way of getting it and I can't continue to live in a toxic black mold infested home. I don't make much and it took me a lot of effort to save enough to buy my own place and I'm devastated that I may have to start all over.
To add insult to injury this Friday my car broke down and my mechanic told me its time to junk it and get a new one. Something else I don't have the money for. I have a feeling I'll be living in a tent and riding a bicycle in the near future
I keep telling myself all of this would only be 50 times worse if I drank. And it would but hell. My nerves are frayed and I don't know how much more of this I can take. My opportunistic AV is sniffing around.
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