Old 02-17-2017, 01:21 PM
  # 443 (permalink)  
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Join Date: Dec 2015
Location: NSW - Australia
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Glad to hear Albert Venom (AV) packed his bags Poppy, and who I have personalised as a man because a girl wouldn't be so mean. Each time I resist I grow stronger.

It will be good when our dream of being able to drink rationally turns to a dream of rational sobriety. I never get buzzed, I get broken. What are you painting? I can't paint or draw, but wouldn't mind doing a portrait of Albert. A twist on the Portrait of Dorian Gray.

Congratulations on your 100 days I know you have had it in your sights, and the day has arrived. Too good!

Meditation and yoga are high on my to do list too November, my back's a bit dicky too. I'm always nervous November but am better now at just doing it.. Can't care anymore, just got to do the things that I know are in my best interests. Banish the Blues unless you can turn it into song I say.

Hi rainy. I'm sure your visit with your sister will go well. I know my sister is really happy for me now that I've quit....likewise my entire family. They have been more than forgiving, and am so very grateful for their generosity of spirit.

Hi too, Angie, cracking the 100 Days. We are all dancing the ton, some a little ahead (in days only) some a little behind, but we are all from the same Vintage, and it's a mellow drop.

I'm keeping the faith Solly, just like a good girl should. We don't drink, and that's the end of it...but in truth, it's the beginning.

I'm proud of us all too Jillwink and you are not alone in feeling depressed on reading Newcomers' thread. My spirit is with everyone trying to stop, but don't have the mental strength to read the same, same stories. They can be so sad, even demoralising, probably because they are too close to the bone for me at the moment.

I'd be lying if I said it didn't bring me down, and in so many ways it makes sense that it does. I'm struggling with my head as it is, and constant reminders of the pain puts me in a bad place. Everything in good time, so for the moment just hanging here with the people I have come to know and trust.

Hi badge. Your graveyard brain made me laugh, and exactly how mine feels. Better though than when drinking, and that's what keeps me going.

Too easy to get drunk and avoid ourselves and our real needs as women. Much more noble, and surely difficult, to meet ourselves head on in a real attempt to greet the world as it stands. We're big girls now, on our way at last.

Australians have a sloppy habit of adding suffixes to words badge. Hence NIX becomes nixaroozie. A buck becomes a buckaroozie.. We add the letter 'Y' to words too. You just stick a Y on the end of a word and people get what you mean. We don't do it in all cases, but a sloppy and endearing speak that I love so much.

I've thought about the history of ridgeydidge myself and it means 'straight up and down', or honest. A bit like you guys saying 'word' I suppose. A didgeridoo is long and straight, so guess it could hold that association as well. The word is the didge.

Hi too Jillwink. Glad to see that there are a few of us who find the reading of Newcomers' posts a bit too much at the moment.

And for any Newcomers' who might stumble upon this thread, I'm with you in your struggle. This thing can be done.

Hope you enjoy Baltimore Jillwink, seems like such a long way away from where I sit. We need to do things that are real and life giving so hope you have a great time. Sober and true.

My apologies for such a long post but wanted everyone to know that I'm still kicking and thinking of you all.

In giving up drinking I've given up housework by the look . No, gotta get it done, it does make me feel better. Chocolate, marshmallow rocky roads and freckles are a different matter altogether.

My love to you all.
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