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Old 01-19-2017, 08:49 PM
  # 19 (permalink)  
Join Date: Mar 2016
Posts: 483
Towards the end of my drinking days I recall one morning right at legal time to buy beer (8am). It was a weekday and I was in withdrawl so bad I couldn't stand it. Almost throwing up and covered in that awesome detox sweat that I'm sure smells like hell. I had to get a few beers and the only close place was a packed gas station with people getting coffee and gas and getting a start to there work day. I grabbed a six pack and was standing in line as the people in front of me seem to take forever to check out I'm standing there barley with every eye on me.. get to the country get and only have half the price of the six pack in paper money and the rest in change I dug out of my two hundred dollar car..... Damn hands were shaking so bad I kept dropping the change as I was trying to fish it out of my jeans. Got it paid for finally.... Never did know if I handed over enough money or the clerk who clearly knew what was up just said your good to get me out of there. Probably one of the lowest points of my life... Just turned 3 years sober. I think of that morning every time I tell myself I can have "just one". And I how when I left that place I drive around on gravel roads drinking in my pos car trying to hold that first cheap beer down to get the rest down to be able to function enough to earn money to get more and repeat the same cycle again..... Never again.
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