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Old 11-21-2016, 05:52 PM
  # 17 (permalink)  
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Join Date: Nov 2016
Location: Newcastle
Posts: 26
Originally Posted by hopeful4 View Post
I'm so sorry about your doggies, and that you have to wait. Ugh.

Kennel Cough is a beast. My tiny pup had it when I got him, unbeknownst to me as it was in an incubation period. He had been vaccinated, but already had it.

Stay busy. That is my life saver through all things hard. I am a busy person by nature, but when I was living w/my XAH, I was hardly ever there, just so I could cope. It did not work long term, but you don't have long term!

Keep your eye on the prize. Huge hugs!

Thank you hopeful. I'm sorry your pup suffered too, it's a big worry isn't it! I trust he is well today.

Unfortunately my departure day has been put back a day. My cousin has to go to Cornwall Thursday and Friday so won't be in to let me in. I've come this far I'm not going to get upset about it. I'm just glad I've got him to go to. The end is in sight. I've got through more days than I've got left...phew. The mountain is now a little hill so feels more manageable.

Trying to keep busy. It's a friends birthday on Thursday so I'm planning to meet her Wednesday night and see what else I can organise.
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