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Old 10-06-2016, 09:07 AM
  # 272 (permalink)  
IWLSAST's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2010
Location: PA and Florida
Posts: 4,188
Hey O's,

Not so happy about my namesake of a hurricane about to unleash on the eastern seaboard of my new home state. Looks like the gulf coast will only get some rain. What else is new for this hurricane season...rain almost every day. Right, Toots, about 60mph winds mid-state...perfect golf weather for a Scot. Stay safe in that villa.

Oh, yes, Carlos is my nickname when golfing with my friends, blogging and/or playing some bad a** air guitar.

Glee, as you so often do - a great way of describing the asking for help at letting go - acceptance. My process exactly - ask for help (I do it out loud) then try to stay as alert as possible for next step signs. Haha, for sure not something that will ever come EASY - but it does become easier with practice.

Just had a biggie that I was not sure of the outcome and it had me totally wrapped up at first. I pulled a chest muscle while working know, right there where my heart is. Having had a bypass surgery 16 years ago, any pain there puts me on high alert. I'm pretty keen to what a heart issue might be and was pretty sure it was just a pull. The pain was local and sharp and mostly when I breathed in - not pressure. I kept working out at like 50% to be sure there was no shortness of breath from exertion or movement of the pain to my left side arm, jaw or shoulder. It lingered, even getting worse for a few days, but it finally has gone away in total and I have been working out at full tilt for the past few days.

Anyway, I was scared to death - but, I just kept putting out there that I want help, strength, and courage at accepting whatever the cause and outcome might become. By doing so, it lessened the anxiety and obsessing that I was feeling.

Hey, this was a biggie with a good outcome. Some things don't turn out as well - but turning them over to the universe has always been a great help with the process of acceptance.

Have a good one, O's.

Carlos (kinda)
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