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Old 09-03-2016, 01:58 PM
  # 2 (permalink)  
Join Date: Jan 2015
Location: former texan
Posts: 216
Dear Bill
Sorry to hear that you are down. I have seen many of your lovely posts. I find them so caring and uplifting I am always happy to see them. Your sober years are impressive. I hope I get to say that one day. Do you and your wife go out very much or is that difficult?
While I am younger, I have found since I quit that life is quiet and at times rather lonely. Sometimes I have to force myself out. Today I forced myself out to a lovely park that has a small farm on it. Treated myself to a popsicle from the ice cream truck outside the park.
Thinking about you, sending some light your way
Irnldy001 is offline