Thread: One more time
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Old 08-28-2016, 08:55 AM
  # 31 (permalink)  
Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Posts: 93
Day 3: Slept about six hours last night, feel so much better; just a little fog and heartburn. Now a little anxiety and depression (and shame,) but all these podcasts I've listened to are helping me with that. Every small task, like putting clothes in the dryer, feel insurmountable, but that seems to be normal. As I couldn't eat much yesterday I lost another pound, which is actually a good positive is that I need to root around for a smaller pair of pants.

Going out for a little walk now, later talking to my old SMART Recovery leader. Taking my mountain of vitamins. Will concentrate on learning that music I am recording tomorrow. A little nervous about that, but it's mostly attitude.

There was a brief moment when I woke up at 6 am and thought "it's 6am, the liquor store's open!" (Yes, I'm one of those). Then I looked at the photo of the bathroom I took before cleaning it up yesterday and that fixed that. If I get hit by a bus (kidding) and someone looks at the pictures in my phone, they're really going to wonder.

Two of the specially helpful podcasts: 1) A YouTube channel called Think Yourself Slim, "Quit Drinking Alcohol Hypnotherapy 2) Also YouTube, Michael Sealey, "Addiction Hypnosis" or something close to that.
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