Thread: Timing
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Old 07-16-2016, 07:45 AM
  # 11 (permalink)  
Join Date: Mar 2016
Posts: 138
Whodathunk, i wonder how much you benefitted from just getting focus off self and realization of community, at the meeting.

How many of us find ourselves so hard pressed going it alone, dog eat dog.

There will always be fears and reasonable ones too. I am learning the benefits of pouring them out onto a napkin and inspecting them for sanity and perspective. My last pack sent me quivering with blind courage to do what became clear i had to, and when i got back there was a whew, and a few excess boogeymen i could clear off, about the whole world out to get me.

But most of all i am seeing that i can't think about two things at once, so with a will to relinquish the self obsession, turning my thoughts outward, i see there's a lot of good people and others hurting too and little considerations that go a long way, and my miserable themes don't eat me alive as bad. Just gets old.

Imagine if every baby never tried to walk for fear, and lions refused to hunt, and dogs never dared go sniff booty, and birds never once left nest or got off ground, or a people didn't dare move against tyranny, to improve conditions....though they shook in their very boots for fear of repercussion, or doing the wrong thing...

The fear zone thing makes for an interesting visit, to see how it has been ruling us, but must we shutter the windows and chain the doors? Forever??* In this respect, even the imaginary self-hypnosis 'faith' thing is more fun to play with, however equally irrational. Yes, the oncoming traffic *will* probably stay in their lane...yes, most mere mortals *can* usually drive their vehicles, the latest $50,000 airbag model is probably not the only one that works...No, not everyone will throw you out of the office, yes, it's possible that girl might like a chance to dance too...and no, we're not 'all that', and yes, foibles and bumps happen alllllll the time, and people argue, and yes, even if you are the lowest heel on the planet, they will still probly let you in a meeting somewheres where ya can find someone to confide in... and yes, we probly could have googled the same book your shrink just read lol! So what! It's only life! Cheers to the living of it, deranged or slightly-less-than!

Figure 'faith' is an adequate fear-be-gone for those of us stumblebums who can't handle our liquor! But common sense will do in a pinch too lol! At least while prudence is just outta reach lol!

Gosh i have wasted so much time in fear. Want perfect security and if not possible then won't even try. Well, not possible! oh. well lemme go back and count my self again...

Nice post - a little uplift - thanks!
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