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Old 06-18-2016, 07:12 PM
  # 12 (permalink)  
Join Date: Jan 2016
Location: Northwest
Posts: 4,215
"He says im bringing issues of trust from my last relationship but my gut is screaming at me that all is not right."

Excellent gut you have there...

Welcome...if you read the friends and family forum you will hear stories like this one over and over. Drugs and booze are like a bungee jump between sober and hell and each time you jump you head back down and you never know how far you'll come back up...if you ever do.

You do know what's happening and yes he is lying to you. Trying to lay it on your "trust issues" is just a rather despicable way to throw up a smokescreen. "Pay no attention to the man snorting behind the curtain..." (Do they show Wizard of Oz in Ireland?)

Move on. You will look back and wonder why you ever questioned yourself.

Sending you a hug...
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