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Old 06-09-2016, 02:05 PM
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Join Date: Jun 2016
Posts: 13
Has he relapsed?

Hi. I have little experience with drug addiction so I have come here for advice about the man I am in love with and have been with for the last year. I have just left him as the whole thing has been causing me chronic anxiety as there was little communication on the issue. The history is he is 43, self confessed recovered cocaine addict, went through the full NA 90 days programme and was tee-total. That was years ago. Since that time he went back to drugs and when we got together his drug use was very heavy. Not just cocaine but all and every drug. As I had little experience I just thought he was a mad party animal (until he told me about the cocaine addiction and read up more about cocaine ane recovery) I guess what struck me the most was the lack of any sleep for days on end and then sleeping for days. We parted ways early on as I thought our lifestyles were incompatible but then he did a complete uturn. I called him in a moment of weakness and it turned out he was off everything even pot and alcohol (daily pot smoker) we got back together but it wasnt long before drugs were back. He has gone from saying he can do no drugs, to he can handle pot and a little alcohol, then said as long as he doesnt go near coke drugs are ok and the most recent one is that if he does a line of cocaine at home thats ok, as long as he doesnt go out. Only recently we were out at night and he impulsively said Do you want to get a bag of coke? Even though he knows I dont do it and he is supposed to stay away. I had to break up with him as there is always this huge sense of lies and being evasive. He says im bringing issues of trust from my last relationship but my gut is screaming at me that all is not right. I feel like he is probably using alot more than I even realise. Although that being said he had made incredible improvements in terms of sleeping. Although even with no drugs he rarely sleeps when we are together. Which makes me wonder is cocaine involved even when we are together and I wouldnt know. Whats worse is his friends or party acquantices all celebrate his party, mad-man image. He does too and seems validated and plays up to the party animal persona. I know its a big ask but does it sound to you like he is secretly using? Can a once self confessed coke addict use drugs casually again? Thanks for listening
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