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Old 01-13-2016, 06:09 PM
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Originally Posted by Acheleus View Post
No not taking it now. I just am afraid I have hiv and I cannot think. My own stupidity. I cant take a shower or get out of bed i just feel stuck. And she always showed up randomly so i cannot relax in my own home. She wants me to be miserable.
Ach-I have confidence that you will get through this; she will be out of your life for good and you will have "un-done" what was done to let this woman control you so much. Yeah you feel stupid. But, it's not really stupidity; it's having a soft heart and being VULNERABLE.

You've already posted here that she didn't want to get into a relationship with you because you were "vulnerable". So, I give her credit for that. Yeah, she was the sober longer than you when you first met, but an addict is an addict and you were both addicts.

Also-bringing in another "female friend that you befriended" is manipulation on your part and playing mind's also known as "triangulation". You didn't need to bring in another female friend to get rid of this lady; and I think you would perhaps feel better about it if you'd never gotten involved in the first place and then when it was time to "get rid of her", do it your own self rather than needing to have another female friend to prove: what.? Triangulation just adds fuel to a fire that would burn out anyway.

So what I am seeing a little bit in you is some vindictiveness, which is nothing to be ASHAMED of: "It is what it is." Yet, you are still not really vindicated, are you? Well, maybe you were vindicated, but vindication did not bring you the peace you had hoped it would. Nor did it heal your wounds.

I am really sorry you are going through this PAINFUL experience. I know how it feels EXCEPT for the vindication part and bringing in a third person to get rid of someone.

I wish you peace.
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