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Old 01-04-2016, 06:45 AM
  # 1 (permalink)  
Join Date: Nov 2012
Posts: 302
Back to School and Nervous

Well its back to school again with a brand new place. The last place was barely coming around to being familiar to me when I realized it was time to move on to a new place due to reasons out of my control.

This quarter is going to be a test of my strength and will power. Rewind to the start of last quarter (my first quarter at the new school) and I was on day 1 of no drinking and smoking pot and I was a nervous wreck. I had decided to put off some tough classes and took 3 easier courses to try to ease into the new school, new place, and sobriety.

Now I'm taking 4 classes instead of 3. 3 of them are science courses and 1 is a history course. On top of this I'm needing to get up super early now! I've got a new place now and the place is better in terms of living conditions, but the dynamics are different here. The people I am renting from are nice but I find myself feeling like an intruder to their home for some reason. My last place had its own access to the house so didnt need to see the people I was renting from on a daily basis. This is only my 3rd day here so i guess its normal to feel this way. I've just got a lot on my mind and its difficult to feel comfortable here so far. Ive got kitchen access but find it a bit nerve wracking to cook or prepare meals in this new home. I've never done this whole shared kitchen thing in my life.

Anyways, its 6:30AM here and its crunch time. Ive got to get ready and head out to see what the traffic situation will be like from here to the campus. Im estimating a 20 to 30 minute drive instead of the 10 minute drive I had at my last location. I had a rough night getting to sleep earlier last night very nervous and full of anxiety.....
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